Category Archives: Homepage

Wagger of the Week!

Wagger of the Week!

Wagger of the Week Sponsored by Tucson Subaru Meet Bunsen Honeydew! Meet Bunsen Honeydew, a 1-year-old Terrier with a big personality and an even bigger heart! Recently making the move from LA, he’s now on the hunt for his perfect match. This sweet and adventurous pup has medium energy and loves being the center of…MORE

Halftime Show Showdown!

Halftime Show Showdown!

We want you to vote on what halftime show performance you think is the BEST ever! We’ve narrowed it down to the top 32 performances and need your vote to determine who the winner is! Did you think Prince’s 2007 show was the best? or maybe The Rolling Stones in 2006? Possibly Bruce Springsteen in 2009?…MORE

Wildcat Radio Sponsors

As the broadcast home of Wildcats we are proud to provide you, the listener, with the best and most comprehensive Wildcat coverage that Southern Arizona deserves. However, none of this would be possible without the help of our sponsors. This page is dedicated to all of the companies that support our efforts to broadcast the Wildcats.  MORE

K-HIT Free Money Question!

K-HIT Free Money Question!

Want to win FREE MONEY? Of course you do. To win, listen weekdays at 7:40AM for the K-HIT 107-5 Free Money Question. We’ll start the jackpot at $50 and if you get the question right, you score some free money! If you get the question wrong, we roll that cash over to the next day! Good luck!…MORE


Concert Calendar

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